Friday, August 31, 2012

Monogamy and the immune system: Differences in sexual behavior impact bacteria hosted and genes that control immunity

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? In the foothills of the Santa Cruz Mountains two closely related species of mice share a habitat and a genetic lineage, but have very different social lives. The California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) is characterized by a lifetime of monogamy; the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is sexually promiscuous.

Researchers at the University of California Berkeley recently showed how these differences in sexual behavior impact the bacteria hosted by each species as well as the diversity of the genes that control immunity. The results were published in the May 2012 edition of PLoS One.

Monogamy is a fairly rare trait in mammals, possessed by only five percent of species. Rarely do two related, but socially distinguishable, species live side-by-side. This makes these two species of mice interesting subjects for Matthew MacManes, a National Institutes of Health-sponsored post-doctoral fellow at UC Berkeley.

Through a series of analyses, MacManes and researchers from the Lacey Lab examined the differences between these two species on the microscopic and molecular levels. They discovered that the lifestyles of the two mice had a direct impact on the bacterial communities that reside within the female reproductive tract. Furthermore, these differences correlate with enhanced diversifying selection on genes related to immunity against bacterial diseases.

Bacteria live on every part of our bodies and have distinctive ecologies. The first step of MacManes project involved testing the bacterial communities that resided in the vaginas of both species of mice -- the most relevant area for a study about monogamous and promiscuous mating systems.

Next, MacManes performed a genetic analysis on the variety of DNA present, revealing hundreds of different types of bacteria present in each species. He found that the promiscuous deer mouse had twice the bacterial diversity as the monogamous California mouse. Since many bacteria cause sexually transmitted infections (like chlamydia or gonorrhea), he used the diversity of bacteria as a proxy for risk of disease. Results of the study were published in Naturwissenschaften in October 2011.

But this wasn't the end of the exploration.

"The obvious next question was, does the bacterial diversity in the promiscuous mice translate into something about the immune system, or how the immune system functions?" MacManes asked.

MacManes hypothesized that selective pressures caused by generation after generation of bacterial warfare had fortified the genomes of the promiscuous deer mouse against the array of bacteria it hosts.

To find out, he sequenced genes related to immune function of the two mice species and compared each species' versions of one important immunity gene, MHC-DQa. Some forms of genes (alleles) are better at recognizing different pathogens than others. If an individual has only a single common allele, it may only recognize a limited set of bacterial pathogens. In contrast, if an individual has two different alleles it may recognize a more diverse set of bacterial pathogens, and thus be more protected against infection.

Based on a comparison of the two species' genotypes he confirmed that the promiscuous mice had much more diversity in the genes related to their immune system.

"The promiscuous mice, by virtue of their sexual system, are in contact with more individuals and are exposed to a lot more bacteria," MacManes said. "They need a more robust immune system to fend off all of the bugs that they're exposed to."

The results, published in PLoS One, match findings in humans and other species with differential mating habits. They show that differences in social behavior can lead to changes in the selection pressures and gene-level evolutionary changes in a species.

Motivated by this result, MacManes began work on a project that looked to understand the genetics of a far more complex behavior -- whether to stay at home with relatives, or to disperse to a new burrow.

Scientists have been sequencing and exploring the genome for more than a decade. For much of this time, studies have been limited to the most common and well-known species: humans, lab-mice, and fruit flies. But in recent years, as the cost of sequencing has dropped and the methods of exploring genomic information have improved, researchers have begun to analyze other less traditional organisms.

MacManes project was one of the first studies to use next-generation gene sequencing and high performance computers to assess the influence of behavior on genes in a non-model species.

"This is a field that people have always been interested in, but the tools hadn't existed yet for people to really understand how complex the mechanisms were," MacManes said.

Next-generation sequencing determines the order of the nucleotide bases in a molecule of DNA by breaking the double helix into short fragments and rapidly analyzing thousands of chunks at a time. Once hundreds of millions of genetic snippets have been read out by a DNA sequencer, they must be assembled into a single genome, or mapped to a reference genome, and compared to other genetic sequences to be useful.

"The sequencing is something that you can do in any molecular biology lab -- that's easy," MacManes said. "But when you try to do an analysis of the data, you get back something like several billion base pairs of data. How to actually analyze the data is the real issue."

As a National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate research fellow, MacManes learned that researchers could access NSF supercomputers through the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) to analyze datasets too big for their university laboratory clusters. Once he had his sequences, MacManes turned to the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin, a lead partner in XSEDE and home to the Ranger supercomputer.

"When we first started using Ranger, it was a breakthrough moment for us," he said. "We had the data set, but we didn't have any way to do anything with it. Ranger was really our first real chance at analyzing this data. "

The alignment and analysis that MacManes accomplished on Ranger in a few weeks would have taken years with his local resources. It organized the data so MacManes could find insights about the relationship between genes and behavior.

"The ability to isolate and compare genetic differences related to social behavior using advanced computing is a fascinating application of emerging technologies," said Jennifer Verodolin, a researcher specializing in social rodents at the National Evolutionary Synthesis Center in Durham, North Carolina. "We often see individual and population-level social and mating differences within the same species. While ecological factors are linked to this variation, these sophisticated new tools will now allow us to see the genetic signature of how natural selection has shaped behavior."

Mating systems, and social systems more broadly, are important to basic evolutionary biology, MacManes asserted. "The things an animal does, the way it behaves, and who it interacts with, are important to natural selection. These factors can cause immunogenes to evolve at a much faster rate, or slower in the case of monogamous mice. That connection is important and probably under-recognized."

Monogamy and promiscuity are only one of a variety of social behaviors that are thought to influence gene expression. MacManes' current research involves analyzing gene expression in the hippocampus brain region of tuco tucos (a sort of South American gopher) who live together in social groups and others who live independently. He is hoping to find what differentiates the social animals from the loners and what impact this change in their behavior has on their genetic profile.

"Now that we have these new sequencing technologies, people are going to be really interested in looking at the mechanisms that underlie these behaviors," MacManes said. "How might genes control what we do, and how we behave? We're going to see an explosion in these studies where people start to understand the very basic genetic mechanism for all sorts of behaviors that we know are out there."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Texas at Austin, Texas Advanced Computing Center. The original article was written by Aaron Dubrow.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Matthew D. MacManes, Eileen A. Lacey. Is Promiscuity Associated with Enhanced Selection on MHC-DQ? in Mice (genus Peromyscus)? PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (5): e37562 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0037562

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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American Public University System Extends Online Learning Collaboration with WCET for Predictive Analytics Reporting Framework

American Public University System (APUS) today announced that it will continue its leadership role for expanded research under the Predictive Analytics Reporting Framework (PAR) project, initiated by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education?s Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET). Funded by a new grant and supplemented by ten additional institutions, the consortium will validate and extend the successful, ground-breaking PAR work concluded in early 2012 by six schools exploring effective uses of ?big data? predictive analytics to help improve student learning outcomes.

The Predictive Analytics Reporting (PAR) Framework helps predict risks to student retention and progression in their pursuit of a post-secondary degree or credential. The trends identified through the PAR Framework and shared through reports and risk profiles allow institutions to take steps to remove obstacles to student success and reduce problems with student retention. In his continuing role as principal investigator, APUS Vice President of Research and Development Dr. Phil Ice will oversee technical and analytical strategy for the program, which incorporates many of the best practices and award-winning predictive analytical methods for which he has been recognized by the Sloan Consortium.

The grant funds will enable the creation of a unique, collaboratively created multi-institution dataset containing more than one million anonymized student and five million course records from across 16 WCET member institutions. A dataset of this size will enable the identification of trends at the course, student, institutional and pan-institutional level.

?With 16 participating institutions sharing over one million anonymized student records, we'll be even better able to identify trends contributing to student success, program momentum, and online course completion,? said Dr. Ice. ?The cross-section of community college, four-year and online institutions, offering traditional to progressive and competency-based programs, will also help significantly advance our modeling capabilities.?

The WCET member institutions include the six founding PAR Framework partner institutions American Public University System, Colorado Community College System, Rio Salado College, University of Hawaii System, University of Illinois Springfield, and the University of Phoenix as well as ten new institutional partners, each committed to raising the quality bar on student success and online learning excellence. New partners committing to share their student and institutional data, and best practices for student intervention with the project include Ashford University, Broward College, Capella University, Lone Star College System, Penn State World Campus, Sinclair Community College, Troy University, University of Central Florida, University of Maryland University College, and Western Governors University.

About WCET

The WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) is a cooperative, membership-driven, non-profit provider of solutions and services that accelerate the adoption of effective practices and policies, advancing excellence in technology-enhanced teaching and learning in higher education. More information about WCET's institutional membership resources, services and common interest groups can be found on WCET's website,

About American Public University System

American Public University System, winner of the Sloan Consortium?s 2009 Ralph E. Gomory Award for Quality Online Education and two-time recipient of Sloan?s Effective Practices Award, offers 87 online degree programs through American Public University and American Military University. APUS?s relevant curriculum, affordability and flexibility help more than 100,000 working adults worldwide pursue degrees in subjects ranging from homeland security to management and liberal arts. For further information, visit

Forward Looking Statements

Statements made in this press release regarding American Public Education, Inc. or its subsidiaries, that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about American Public Education, Inc. and the industry. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future events or results to differ materially from such statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "anticipate", "believe", "could", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "may", "should", "will" and "would". These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements regarding expected growth and share repurchase activity. Actual results could differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including the various risks described in the "Risk Factors" section and elsewhere in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2011, and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three months ended June 30, 2012, as filed with the SEC. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements for any reason, even if new information becomes available or other events occur in the future.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bonanza of black holes, hot DOGs: NASA's WISE survey uncovers millions of black holes

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission has led to a bonanza of newfound supermassive black holes and extreme galaxies called hot DOGs, or dust-obscured galaxies.

Images from the telescope have revealed millions of dusty black hole candidates across the universe and about 1,000 even dustier objects thought to be among the brightest galaxies ever found. These powerful galaxies, which burn brightly with infrared light, are nicknamed hot DOGs.

"WISE has exposed a menagerie of hidden objects," said Hashima Hasan, WISE program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "We've found an asteroid dancing ahead of Earth in its orbit, the coldest star-like orbs known and now, supermassive black holes and galaxies hiding behind cloaks of dust."

WISE scanned the whole sky twice in infrared light, completing its survey in early 2011. Like night-vision goggles probing the dark, the telescope captured millions of images of the sky. All the data from the mission have been released publicly, allowing astronomers to dig in and make new discoveries.

The latest findings are helping astronomers better understand how galaxies and the behemoth black holes at their centers grow and evolve together. For example, the giant black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, called Sagittarius A*, has 4 million times the mass of our sun and has gone through periodic feeding frenzies where material falls towards the black hole, heats up and irradiates its surroundings. Bigger central black holes, up to a billion times the mass of our sun, may even shut down star formation in galaxies.

In one study, astronomers used WISE to identify about 2.5 million actively feeding supermassive black holes across the full sky, stretching back to distances more than 10 billion light-years away. About two-thirds of these objects never had been detected before because dust blocks their visible light. WISE easily sees these monsters because their powerful, accreting black holes warm the dust, causing it to glow in infrared light.

"We've got the black holes cornered," said Daniel Stern of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., lead author of the WISE black hole study and project scientist for another NASA black-hole mission, the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR). "WISE is finding them across the full sky, while NuSTAR is giving us an entirely new look at their high-energy X-ray light and learning what makes them tick."

In two other WISE papers, researchers report finding what are among the brightest galaxies known, one of the main goals of the mission. So far, they have identified about 1,000 candidates.

These extreme objects can pour out more than 100 trillion times as much light as our sun. They are so dusty, however, that they appear only in the longest wavelengths of infrared light captured by WISE. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope followed up on the discoveries in more detail and helped show that, in addition to hosting supermassive black holes feverishly snacking on gas and dust, these DOGs are busy churning out new stars.

"These dusty, cataclysmically forming galaxies are so rare WISE had to scan the entire sky to find them," said Peter Eisenhardt, lead author of the paper on the first of these bright, dusty galaxies, and project scientist for WISE at JPL. "We are also seeing evidence that these record setters may have formed their black holes before the bulk of their stars. The 'eggs' may have come before the 'chickens.'"

More than 100 of these objects, located about 10 billion light-years away, have been confirmed using the W.M. Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, as well as the Gemini Observatory in Chile, Palomar's 200-inch Hale telescope near San Diego, and the Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory near Tucson, Ariz.

The WISE observations, combined with data at even longer infrared wavelengths from Caltech's Submillimeter Observatory atop Mauna Kea, revealed that these extreme galaxies are more than twice as hot as other infrared-bright galaxies. One theory is their dust is being heated by an extremely powerful burst of activity from the supermassive black hole.

"We may be seeing a new, rare phase in the evolution of galaxies," said Jingwen Wu of JPL, lead author of the study on the submillimeter observations. All three papers are being published in the Astrophysical Journal.

The three technical journal articles, including PDFs, can be found at, and .

JPL manages and operates WISE for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The principal investigator, Edward Wright, is at UCLA. The mission was competitively selected under NASA's Explorers Program managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The science instrument was built by the Space Dynamics Laboratory, Logan, Utah, and the spacecraft was built by Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., Boulder, Colo. Science operations and data processing and archiving take place at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.

More information is online at, and .

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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LG EA93 21:9 aspect ratio 29-inch LCD spotted on IFA show floor (eyes-on)

LG 29inch EA93 219 aspect ratio LCD spotted spotted on IFA show floor

Fancy a wickedly wide 21:9 aspect ratio LCD that's more than a touch larger than what you'll find on that unique Toshiba Ultrabook? It looks like LG's got you covered, with its 29-inch EA93. We spotted a half dozen of the ultra-wide IPS displays during a preview of the show floor at IFA, and were able to grab a few frames. You need to see this LCD in person to get a feel for just how wide it really is -- with a 29-inch diagonal panel that's incredibly short and squat, you'll be compromising quite a bit of desk real estate in order to add some horizontal pixels.

From booth materials, it seems that LG is promoting this product as a multitasking solution -- the format is well-suited as a replacement for dual-monitor rigs, letting you view several windows at once without adjusting your eyes vertically. We already had a solid grasp on the EA93's specs, which include a 2,560 x 1,080-pixel panel, a four-way split screen feature and plenty of inputs, including two HDMI ports, DVI Dual Link and DisplayPort, though the product placard also revealed USB 3.0 connectivity and 7-watt stereo speakers. Pricing has yet to be confirmed, but if you're prepared to add such a device at any cost, we'd suggest clearing some desk space now -- these are set to ship in November.

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LG EA93 21:9 aspect ratio 29-inch LCD spotted on IFA show floor (eyes-on) originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 28 Aug 2012 08:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Capturing movements of actors and athletes in real time with conventional video cameras

Capturing movements of actors and athletes in real time with conventional video cameras [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2012
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Contact: Gordon Bolduan
Saarland University

This press release is available in German.

In the computer graphics (CG) animated comedy "Ted," which is running now in the cinemas, Ted is a teddy bear who came to life as the result of a childhood wish of John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) and has refused to leave his side ever since. CG Animated characters like "Ted" have become a standard of Hollywood's movie productions since the blockbuster "Avatar" with its blue-skinned computer-animated characters won three Oscars and brought in three billion US dollars, digital animated characters have become a standard of Hollywood's movie productions.

While movies like "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "Ted" still combined real actors with digital counterparts, the well-known director Steven Spielberg focused entirely on virtual actors in "The Adventures of Tintin." He used the so-called motion capture approach, which also animated Ted. Motion capture means that an actor wears a suit with special markers attached. These reflect infrared light sent and received by a camera system installed in a studio. In this way, the system captures the movements of the actor. Specialists use this as input to transfer exactly the same movements to the virtual character.

"The real actors dislike wearing these suits, as they constrain their movements," explains Christian Theobalt, professor of computer science at Saarland University and head of the research group "Graphics, Vision & Video" at the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (MPI). Theobalt points out that this has not changed since animating "Gollum" in the trilogy "Lord of the Rings." Hence, together with his MPI-colleagues Nils Hasler, Carsten Stoll and Jrgen Gall of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Theobalt developed a new approach that both works without markers and captures motions in realtime. "The part which is scientifically new is the way in which we represent and compute the filmed scene. It enables new speed in capturing and visualizing the movements with normal video cameras," Theobalt explains.

Implemented, it looks like this: The video cameras record a researcher turning cartwheels. The computer gets the camera footage as input and computes the skeleton motion of the actor so quickly that you cannot perceive any delay between the movement and its overlay, a red skeleton. According to Theobalt, the new computing approach also works if the movements of several persons have to be captured, or if they are obscured by objects in the studio and against a noisy background.

"Therefore we are convinced that our approach even enables motion capture outdoors, for example in the Olympic stadium," Theobalt points out. Athletes could use it to run faster, to jump higher or to throw the spear farther. Spectators in the stadium or in front of the TV could use the technology to tell the difference between first and second place. Besides entertainment, medical science could also benefit from the new approach, for example by helping doctors to check healing after operations on joints.

In the next months his MPI colleagues Nils Hasler and Carsten Stoll will found a company to transform the software prototype into a real product. "They've already had some meetings with representatives sent by companies in Hollywood," Theobalt says.

Technical background

The new approach requires technology which is quite cheap. You need no special cameras, but their recording has to be synchronized. According to the MPI researcher, five cameras are enough that the approach works. But they used twelve cameras for the published results. The way they present the scene to the computer and let it compute makes the difference. Hence, they built a three-dimensional model of the actor whose motions should be captured. The result is a motion skeleton with 58 joints. They model the proportions of the body as so-called sums of three dimensional Gaussians, whose visualisation looks like a ball. The radius of the ball varies according to the dimensions of the real person. The resulting three-dimensional model resembles the mascot of a famous tire manufacturer.

The images of the video cameras are presented as two-dimensional Gaussians that cover image blobs that are consistent in color. To capture the person's movement, the software continuously computes the best way that the 2D and 3D Gaussians can overlay each other while fitting accurately. The Saarbrcken computer scientists are able to compute these model-to-image similarities in a very efficient way. Therefore, they can capture the filmed motion and visualize it in real-time. All they need is just a few cameras, some computing power and mathematics.


Computer Science on the Saarland University Campus

Apart from the Saarland University chair in computer science and Max Planck Institute for Informatics, there are several other research institutes exploring new information technologies and their impact on society. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the Center for Bioinformatics, the Intel Visual Computing Institute, Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability, and the Cluster of Excellence on "Multimodal Computing and Interaction" can also be found there.

More Information:

Carsten Stoll, Nils Hasler, Juergen Gall, Hans-Peter Seidel, Christian Theobalt,
Fast Articulated Motion Tracking using a Sums of Gaussians Body Model

Video online

For further questions please contact:

Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt
Campus E 1.4
66123 Saarbrcken
Tel.: +49 681 9325-428

Gordon Bolduan
Science Communication
Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction"
Tel.: +49 681 302-70741

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Capturing movements of actors and athletes in real time with conventional video cameras [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2012
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Contact: Gordon Bolduan
Saarland University

This press release is available in German.

In the computer graphics (CG) animated comedy "Ted," which is running now in the cinemas, Ted is a teddy bear who came to life as the result of a childhood wish of John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) and has refused to leave his side ever since. CG Animated characters like "Ted" have become a standard of Hollywood's movie productions since the blockbuster "Avatar" with its blue-skinned computer-animated characters won three Oscars and brought in three billion US dollars, digital animated characters have become a standard of Hollywood's movie productions.

While movies like "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "Ted" still combined real actors with digital counterparts, the well-known director Steven Spielberg focused entirely on virtual actors in "The Adventures of Tintin." He used the so-called motion capture approach, which also animated Ted. Motion capture means that an actor wears a suit with special markers attached. These reflect infrared light sent and received by a camera system installed in a studio. In this way, the system captures the movements of the actor. Specialists use this as input to transfer exactly the same movements to the virtual character.

"The real actors dislike wearing these suits, as they constrain their movements," explains Christian Theobalt, professor of computer science at Saarland University and head of the research group "Graphics, Vision & Video" at the Max-Planck-Institute for Informatics (MPI). Theobalt points out that this has not changed since animating "Gollum" in the trilogy "Lord of the Rings." Hence, together with his MPI-colleagues Nils Hasler, Carsten Stoll and Jrgen Gall of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Theobalt developed a new approach that both works without markers and captures motions in realtime. "The part which is scientifically new is the way in which we represent and compute the filmed scene. It enables new speed in capturing and visualizing the movements with normal video cameras," Theobalt explains.

Implemented, it looks like this: The video cameras record a researcher turning cartwheels. The computer gets the camera footage as input and computes the skeleton motion of the actor so quickly that you cannot perceive any delay between the movement and its overlay, a red skeleton. According to Theobalt, the new computing approach also works if the movements of several persons have to be captured, or if they are obscured by objects in the studio and against a noisy background.

"Therefore we are convinced that our approach even enables motion capture outdoors, for example in the Olympic stadium," Theobalt points out. Athletes could use it to run faster, to jump higher or to throw the spear farther. Spectators in the stadium or in front of the TV could use the technology to tell the difference between first and second place. Besides entertainment, medical science could also benefit from the new approach, for example by helping doctors to check healing after operations on joints.

In the next months his MPI colleagues Nils Hasler and Carsten Stoll will found a company to transform the software prototype into a real product. "They've already had some meetings with representatives sent by companies in Hollywood," Theobalt says.

Technical background

The new approach requires technology which is quite cheap. You need no special cameras, but their recording has to be synchronized. According to the MPI researcher, five cameras are enough that the approach works. But they used twelve cameras for the published results. The way they present the scene to the computer and let it compute makes the difference. Hence, they built a three-dimensional model of the actor whose motions should be captured. The result is a motion skeleton with 58 joints. They model the proportions of the body as so-called sums of three dimensional Gaussians, whose visualisation looks like a ball. The radius of the ball varies according to the dimensions of the real person. The resulting three-dimensional model resembles the mascot of a famous tire manufacturer.

The images of the video cameras are presented as two-dimensional Gaussians that cover image blobs that are consistent in color. To capture the person's movement, the software continuously computes the best way that the 2D and 3D Gaussians can overlay each other while fitting accurately. The Saarbrcken computer scientists are able to compute these model-to-image similarities in a very efficient way. Therefore, they can capture the filmed motion and visualize it in real-time. All they need is just a few cameras, some computing power and mathematics.


Computer Science on the Saarland University Campus

Apart from the Saarland University chair in computer science and Max Planck Institute for Informatics, there are several other research institutes exploring new information technologies and their impact on society. The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the Center for Bioinformatics, the Intel Visual Computing Institute, Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability, and the Cluster of Excellence on "Multimodal Computing and Interaction" can also be found there.

More Information:

Carsten Stoll, Nils Hasler, Juergen Gall, Hans-Peter Seidel, Christian Theobalt,
Fast Articulated Motion Tracking using a Sums of Gaussians Body Model

Video online

For further questions please contact:

Prof. Dr. Christian Theobalt
Campus E 1.4
66123 Saarbrcken
Tel.: +49 681 9325-428

Gordon Bolduan
Science Communication
Cluster of Excellence "Multimodal Computing and Interaction"
Tel.: +49 681 302-70741

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Canada gives tax relief to livestock farmers hurt by drought

WINNIPEG, Manitoba (Reuters) - The Canadian government said it will allow some livestock producers to defer income tax on the sale of breeding animals for one year, as the eastern provinces of Ontario and Quebec cope with drought.

Hot, dry weather this summer drastically reduced feed supplies for some Canadian farmers, forcing them to liquidate herds.

The tax deferral allows farmers to redirect money toward replenishing next year's breeding stock, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz said on Monday.

Farmers in drought-stricken areas will be allowed to defer taxes on 30 percent of income from net sales, if they have reduced their breeding herds by at least 15 percent.

Farmers whose herds have been reduced by more than 30 percent can defer 90 percent of income from net sales.

(Reporting by Rod Nickel in Winnipeg, Manitoba; Editing by David Gregorio)


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Existing radio-frequency identification (RFID) requirements comparable to FeliCa and ISO/IEC 14443 form the core of the NFC standards. The requirements cowl formats that facilitate information alternate and communication protocols. The Near Field Communication discussion board defines the said requirements such because the ISO/IEC 18092. The forum was established in 2004 and was the brainchild of Sony, Philips and Nokia. Presently, it has more than one hundred sixty members. The discussion board not only promotes the endeavors of the NFC expertise, however it additionally certifies the compliance of supported devices.

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Howe explained that one of the first public reports of atto expertise was published in the December 2011 difficulty of ?Science Magazine.? Researchers at the University of Bathtub, England used a platonic crystal fiber, the width of human hair, to transmit pulses of light that final just one single atto-second. In line with Howe, which means they will illuminate a moving electron in real time at the sub-atomic level.

Massive sectors, complicated, advanced sectors have been transformed into centralized/ decentralized organizations. Opportunities have been increased in business; firms not like manufacturing or distribution also make use of software either in figuring out weather conditions, freshness of product, or managing company?s centers. Work will be optimized, costs may be decreased, and risks involved will be minimized and thus provides in development of business. Determination of higher methods for enterprise and solutions for enterprise issues will be solved by IT. Firms may additionally alternate technology over the network.

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Sweet Home McCormick: Top 10!

1. Garden Style Lasagna tonight....check back later for a delicious recipe!

2. Purse Bingo. Imagine this...a bingo game, but a designer handbag is up for grabs with each bingo win. I went to my second Purse Bingo in Delphos?Friday night.?Unfortunately for me, there were tons of women there playing, so I did not win my dream bag. At least we had a fun weekend with family in Delphos!

3. I finally finished the book from Hayes's first year. I created and ordered it from Shutterfly. It came in this week and I love it! I think it is a great way to recap a year in his life with fun pictures and stories...especially for someone who doesn't scrapbook.

4. My sweet, red-headed niece, Tenley, turned 1 last week! I can't believe how fast the babies in our family are growing. She had a mermaid extravaganza this weekend and I can't wait to see pictures....ahem Kristin...

5. College football starts this weekend! Ryan is already getting pumped up for the 9 a.m. Notre Dame game. Thank goodness we are parents to a toddler and wake up far before 9 every weekend;)

6. I am obsessed with fluffy, chocolate chip pancakes.

7. We are officially in the 3rd trimester! I will do a preggo update post later this week. I still can't believe how fast it is going...might need to get onto ordering those baby supplies soon...

8. Ryan's wise cousin, Emily, shared some interesting information with me last week. Puttanesca, which I blogged about here, means "whore's style spaghetti." Turns out, the loose ladies of Italy used to make this?dish?to lure men in. Well played, ladies. Well played.

9. Watched the Hunger Games this weekend. I read the books and loved them! The movie was good and actually pretty accurate. I still like the books better, but I enjoyed the movie too. Can't wait to see the next one!

10. Pray for everyone who will be affected by the hurricane brewing in the gulf!


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Trade to limit harm of East Asia island spats

China, Japan and South Korea are loath to let tensions over sea claims damage their sputtering economies, analysts say, but the emotional disputes could still slow long-term trade integration efforts.

Political and security tensions have flared this month due to the long-running territorial rivalries, which pit Japan against China in one and against South Korea in another.

So far, fallout has included demonstrators in China attacking Japanese cars, diplomats being summoned to hear formal protests, and exchanges of harsh words by officials.

Japan has cancelled a finance ministers' meeting with South Korea and hinted at reviewing a currency swap deal with the country as well as possibly freezing a plan to buy its government bonds.

"Unfortunately, things have reached a point where the (Japanese) people cannot simply accept that politics are politics and economics are economics," Finance Minister Jun Azumi said Friday.

Analysts, however, say that the stakes are too high to let deteriorating political relations harm business, especially when the world economy is still weak.

"Huffing and puffing among politicians are one thing and economic reality is another," said Kang Pan-Seok, a currency analyst at Woori Futures in Seoul. "Mutual cooperation is required at this time of global economic slowdown."

Japan and China, as well as Taiwan, claim a string of uninhabited islands in a potentially resource rich area of the East China Sea. Japan and South Korea, meanwhile, claim islands farther north in the Sea of Japan, or what Koreans call the East Sea.

Tensions spiked this month after Lee Myung-Bak became the first South Korean president to visit Dokdo -- or Takeshima to the Japanese -- which his country occupies with armed police.

Tit-for-tat landings and flag-raisings on the East China Sea islands, known as Diaoyu in China and Senkaku in Japan, by pro-China activists sailing from Hong Kong and Japanese from nearby, further inflamed the regional situation.

The disputes flare up periodically though have proven mostly a political irritant while trade has bloomed.

"We have witnessed similar incidents before but economic ties remained tight," Zhang Zhiwei, economist at Nomura International in Hong Kong, said in an email.

Takeshi Minami, economist at Norinchukin Research Institute in Tokyo, predicted at worst a "limited" economic impact from the Tokyo-Beijing dispute.

"Scaling back economic ties would bring too many disadvantages to both sides," he said.

China and Japan are Asia's biggest economies and globally rank number two and three, respectively, after the United States. South Korea, while smaller, is still the region's fourth-biggest economy and a major world player in shipbuilding, autos and electronics.

Robert Broadfoot, founder and managing director of Hong Kong-based Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, said Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul understand the economic risks that come with beating nationalist drums and won't allow things to explode.

"All three of these countries play chess with each other," Broadfoot said. "And they're thinking 10 moves ahead."

Signs of prudence are indeed visible. Japan, which recalled its ambassador to Seoul, has sent him back to the South Korean capital and Chinese state media have carried articles criticising the violent behaviour of some protestors.

"China for now seems to be trying to calm down the situation," said Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, Northeast Asia director for the International Crisis Group in Beijing.

"But tensions in the East China Sea are not going to really diminish, and the use of economic measures -- similar to those used in 2010 by Beijing following Japan's arrest of its fishermen near the Diaoyu-Senkaku islands -- cannot be ruled out," she said.

During that flare-up, Japanese industry sources said China temporarily cut off exports of strategic rare earth metals vital to a range of high-tech products, though Beijing denied halting shipments.

The problem, according to Political and Economic Risk Consultancy's Broadfoot, is longer term, in that the bickering could slow progress on economic cooperation and integration, including a proposed three-way free trade agreement, while other regions move forward.

"There's been a shift of emphasis on where the economic opportunities are to Southeast Asia this year," he said, citing as examples vitality in Indonesia and the opening up of Myanmar.


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Is your Workplace Protected |

It really is estimated that more than 40 million workers inside the United states of america had to obtain emergency medical treatment for workplace-related injuries in the year 2003. This can be a staggering number when 1 considers the efforts most organizations have put into sustaining a safe workplace. In contemporary instances, several organizations have already been identified liable for injuries sustained in their areas of business. There?s a relationship that exists between workplace safety and profitability.

Every business, particularly these involved in industrial manufacturing, is constantly looking at methods to continuously boost their goods and processes. They comprehend that their profits are straight related towards the methods and means by which they generate their merchandise. However, as well a lot of organizations get caught up in drive for greater income and have a tendency to enable workplace safety to turn out to be an afterthought.

The charges linked with operating a sizable manufacturing facility in America are astounding. Workplace injuries spot a massive burden of expense and weakened productivity on an organization. These injuries may be reduced with appropriate arranging and careful interest to detail. Most workplace injuries are preventable. You can find a number of elements to think about, but keeping a protected and tidy function place is among the very best approaches to stop injury. Workers, as well, possess a responsibility in maintaining themselves safe from harm.

Workplace injuries spot an important burden on wellness care providers and insurance companies. As organizations continue to spend greater premiums for employee health care, one of the only indicates offered for cost recovery would be to increase the costs with the goods they generate. This places the burden of expense on the consumer, and makes it possible for businesses to ignore the root trigger of their workplace injuries. The concentrate here seems to be on maintaining a healthy relationship with shareholders, and not necessarily on keeping a healthful workforce.

It truly is intriguing to note that you can find record numbers of jobs, specially in the industrial sector, being sent overseas. There are a number of causes to account for this. Just about the most considerable factors is that American companies are in a position to shave their operating costs down to a fraction of their domestic costs, by capitalizing on less expensive labor in foreign markets. Foreign governments, eager for investment, are all also willing to accommodate the interests of large western organization. Far as well frequently, this comes at the expense of workplace safety.

If organizations want to be lucrative in the long-term, they need to reexamine their method to workplace safety and the health of their workers. Many businesses are sending jobs overseas, in order to benefit from inexpensive labor and relaxed labor laws. American businesses could be each lucrative and safety conscious. Through directed education campaigns and preemptive preparing, workplace injuries may be decreased within a significant way. Remember: a secure worker is actually a pleased worker, along with a satisfied worker can be a productive worker.

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Helium-breathing apes display operatic vocal skills, say researchers (+video)

The gibbon, a lesser ape native to Asia, uses the same vocal techniques as trained sopranos, finds a Japanese experiment involving helium-enriched air.

By Megan Gannon,?LiveScience / August 23, 2012

A baby gibbon sits on a swing in its enclosure in Vienna's Schoenbrunn zoo in 2010.

Vienna Zoo/Norbert Potensky/Reuters


Gibbons effortlessly use the same techniques as professional opera singers when calling out to other animals, scientists found by listening to the squeaky songs of one of the apes on helium.

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The Japanese study provides evidence for an unusual physiological similarity between gibbons and humans.

"The complexity of human speech is unique among primates as it requires varied soft sounds made by the rapid movements of vocal tracts," lead researcher Takeshi Nishimura, from the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University, said in a statement. "Our speech was thought to have evolved through specific modifications in our vocal anatomy. However, we've shown how the gibbons' distinctive song uses the same vocal mechanics as soprano singers, revealing a fundamental similarity with humans."

Nishimura's team analyzed 20 melodious and loud calls of a captive white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) in a normal atmosphere, followed by 37 calls in an environment infused with helium.

Sucking in helium from a balloon gives humans a squeaky, high-pitch-sounding voice, because the gas, which is less dense than air, pushes the resonance frequencies of the vocal tract upwards, but doesn't change the sound at its source. An analysis of the gibbon's squeaky songs suggested that the same is true for these apes. Like humans, the origin of the sound of a gibbon's call, which occurs in the larynx, is separate from the vocal tools used to modify it, the research showed. [Listen to Gibbon Calls]

What's more, the analysis demonstrated gibbons have expert control over the tuning of their vocal cords and tract when singing ? an ability that is important to the subtleties of human speech and is mastered by soprano singers.

"This is the first evidence that gibbons always sing using soprano techniques, a difficult [vocalization] ability for humans which is only mastered by professional opera singers," Nishimura said. "This gives us a new appreciation of the evolution of speech in gibbons while revealing that the physiological foundation in human speech is not so unique."

The study was published this week in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

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Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

iseek Communications Opens $100 Million Tier III Data Center in ...

iseek Communications has invested in a $100 million Tier III facility at Gore Hill Business Park in North Sydneyiseek Communications has invested in a $100 million Tier III facility at Gore Hill Business Park in North Sydney

Australian IT services provider iseek Communications announced this week it has invested in a $100 million Tier III facility at Gore Hill Business Park in North Sydney.

Sydney has become increasingly popular in data center activity in recent years. Both Rackspace and Amazon have accounced their own data center builds in the past few months.

iseek?s Gore Hill Business Park data center comes approximately two years following the opening of its Brisbane Export Park facility.

The expansion of iseek?s national network was driven by a ?significant? government and enterprise customer base in Sydney seeking rack space, said iseek managing director Jason Gomersall.

?A recent Gartner report suggests that global spending on enterprise Cloud will grow from $US95 billion in 2011 to $US205 billion by 2016, and that overall IT spend will increase by 4.4 percent in 2013,? said Gomersall. ?This market growth is helping drive demand for cutting edge data center facilities that can meet the need of companies for Australian IT infrastructure.?

Fourty percent of the data center space has already been leased, drawing customers from the financial services, engineering and resources sectors.

In addition to the new Sydney location, iseek operates three data centers at Brisbane Export Park.

The company said it has no plans to expand into other regions of Australia other than New South Wales at the time, but iseek will open another large scale data center in Brisbane by the end of 2013.

The new Syndey data center will offer traditional data center and colocation services, along with private network solutions, and a range of complementary services to customers including 24-hour access, boardrooms, and staging rooms.

Talk back: Are you currently offering data center services in Australia? Are you seeing demand for services there? Let us know in the comments.

Justin Lee

About Justin Lee

Justin Lee has been a staff analyst with theWHIR since 2004. He writes about a range of web hosting and IT-related issues facing the industry on the WHIR website, as well the print version of the WHIR magazine. Follow him on Twitter @Justin_theWHIR.

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Scrapbooking | The Stay At Homer

I can?t scrapbook. ?I?ve tried. ?I?ve really tried. ?Seriously, I?ve sat at a table with the intent to create a scrapbook and I?ve given it ?a go.? It?s my understanding that the stay at home parent is in charge of managing the family photos and arranging them into fun, memorable, scrapbooks. ?It?s not enough to just look at a bunch of pictures every now and again?.pictures from the picture bin that sits in the ?memory stuff box? that we keep in the only available spot in that one closet. ?No, we need a SCRAPBOOK! ?And with my wife at work, the burden is on me to creatively capture our life history into lovely 12 x 12 pages. ?And I suck at it.

But it just so happens that I have the ultimate answer to those of us who suck at the scrapbooking aspect, but want the scrapbooking aspect! ?HIRE A SCRAPBOOKER!?

Through the bizarrely wonderful journey that is my life, I came to know some amazing, hardcore scrapbookers and stampers. ?One of the first gals I met was a woman named Erika Martin. ?Super cool gal. ?And it was serendipity? ?Fate? ?Good luck? ?Something like that?..Gayle and I fell in love with her work, and so we commissioned her to create a scrapbook of the first year of Noble?s life. ?Here are some of the pages she made! ?UNREAL! I should apologize for the glare in some of the pictures. ?I refuse to take the pages out of the protective sheet?plus I think Gayle might kill me if I tried.

The cover to Noble?s book. I can?t even remember him looking like that!! That?s a baby right there!

This is one of my favorites.

There?s Noble?s personality! Incidentally, this will probably also be his smile at age 80 when his teeth fall out?

Another great one. This right here is the reason we had Erika do these for us. Never in my wildest could I put something this artistic together.

Noble?s first birthday. Erika leaves spaces on some pages for us to journal a memory, or write something of our own?.but we are too scared that we?ll wreck the page, so we haven?t written in them yet!

We basically sent her our jpg files and told her about some page ideas, and some important details about our lives, and she just ran with it! ?I also surprised Gayle by having Erika make a book about Alistair?s first year and gave it to her on our 10th anniversary, back in July. ?MAJOR brownie points achieved. ?LEVEL UP!

Here are some photos of Alistair?s scrapbook! ?UNREAL?AGAIN!

Alistair?s book cover. Keep in mind, I just sent her a bunch of pictures?this cover is 100% her creation, and it?s perfect!

One of my favorite Alistair pages.

The great thing is that I can look at this page and all my memories of being with Alistair at Manhattan Beach come flooding back. This is going to be crucial for me as I start ?losing it? in my old age. I already can?t remember to close the fridge door?.

Erika has fallen on an incredibly difficult situation. ?I was already planning on writing a post about her awesome work, and now it?s coming at a time when she really needs the word out. ?If you are somebody that wants to be able to flip through an artistic, beautiful scrapbook of your family, but you can barely cut a straight line, let alone draw much more than a stick figure (like me), then please check Erika out. ?And you?ll not only be getting something wonderful, but you?ll be?doing something wonderful for a fellow parent in need.

If scrapbooks aren?t your thing, she may have something else crafty that you might like! ?Check out Erika?s etsy shop!

Times like these remind me how fortunate I am. The idea that a friend is out there, possibly about to lose their home, not only saddens me, but it frustrates the hell out of me. ?If I can help her by posting to you all (I also did a little shopping on her etsy site) then I believe I have a duty to do that. ?I hope you take the time to read her story and hopefully peruse her wares.

Here is the post Erika sent out the other day, copied with permission.

I hesitated in putting this out, but we?re stuck. As most of your remember, back at the beginning of this year, we were in danger of losing our house to foreclosure due to David losing hours at work. So many of you rallied around us and bought from my Etsy shop and we were so blessed to be able to make a payment that kept us from having our home loan demanded in full. Since then, it?s still been tight, but we?ve been able to get a payment in each month without going past that dreaded ?Day 60.? Our loan officer has been very understanding and knows that we?re behind and trying our hardest to get caught up.

Unfortunately, being almost 2 months behind is no longer acceptable to the bank. I just got a call from our loan officer and she has her hands tied. Because town taxes and the yearly pay out of our home owner?s insurance are due September 1st, the bank is requiring us to be completely caught up by August 30th. That?s 10 days away! The bank won?t allow us to pay the differnce to make sure the escrow has enough for the taxes and insurance. They are requiring us to have those 2 payments we?ve been behind in by the 30th of this month. Even if we have just one payment in, the bank will still demand our loan in full. We?re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

As most of you know, David had his regular overtime hours cut last fall two months early. We were looking forward to his regular overtime again this summer because we anticipated that we could get caught up and be back on track. The company he works for hired a slew of temporary workers and gave them all the hours and cut the full-time employees (David and his co-workers) out of their overtime at the end of June ? 3 months ahead of time! That regular overtime is something he and his coworkers have had every year except this year. From a business standpoint, I suppose it made sense to his company?s owners, but from an employee?s standpoint, we and the rest of them are all hurting now due to losing that income.

So, here we are, this time with an even bigger obstacle. We have to come up with two month?s worth of mortgage payments in 10 days before the bank calls in our loan and we are put into foreclosure.

Because so many of you came to our rescue back in January, I want you to know that we are not a ?spendthrift? family. I run a pretty tight ship financially and we are very minimalistic. In June and a few weeks ago, I made the trip to Florida to both drop off and pick up my daughter for her missions trip. Our expenses were all paid for by the church we go to (gas money, meals), as well as my grandmother (the flights, our meals, rental car, gas in Florida, and any expenses that we needed when I took Girly and her cousin to Wonderworks). At home, we don?t eat out, I shop at the discount food store, we have a garden, we pinch every penny. Most of you that know me personally know that I?m a very frugal person. Unfortunately, we?ve found ourselves in a bind in spite of all of that.

David works as many hours as his work will give him. I?ve picked up hours at my friends? kennel when they have hours to give me, my tuition for my full-time schooling is completely paid for by grants, and I?ve been setting up at the farmer?s market in town when the weather works in my favor. Some people have asked why I don?t get a job outside the home, but that?s a bit of a catch-22 for us since we have a son with special needs that requires a lot of doctor visits, back and forths to school, and I also help to take care of my elderly grandfather (his appointments, cleaning his house, taking him on errands, helping him with his finances and bills, etc.). Because of this, my schedule has to remain flexible. This is why I try to find ways to make an income in a flexible way ? through working hours at odd times, doing the farmer?s market, and also through my Etsy shop and art classes here in my house. When David caps our his hours at work, it?s up to me to make up the difference and it?s a challenge I gladly face head on.

I?m a hard worker and I am also a fierce mama bear that doesn?t want her family to lose the roof over their head. We live in a very modest house and don?t have a lot of ?toys,? and we?re content to just have our bills paid, food on the table, and a roof over our head. We?re currently doing without hot water at the moment (since the end of July) because our priority right now is to get current with our mortgage. I applied for a grant for utilities and we should be receiving that in the beginning of September. It will allow us to refill the propane tank (yay for hot water again), put heating oil in the tank for the coming winter, and pay up some of our overdue electric bill. Yay for private grants!!

I have a great Etsy shop and would love to create some custom art for you or as a gift for one of your friends, I also have a lot of other fun things on there. I can do special requests, as well. I am willing to work hard for my family to keep our house. I hesitated even putting this up here because so many of you came to our rescue earlier this year, but I knew that if we lost the house, you would all wonder why I didn?t say something earlier.

So, we?ve got 10 days to come up with those two payments. If you could pass my Etsy link on to your friends (you can even share this post if you?d like to give some of our back story), we would appreciate it so much! And if there?s anything you?d like in my Etsy shop or would like to custom order, please let me know and we can work on it. I?ve got new stuff going up on the Etsy shop all week.

And we always appreciate prayers and positive thoughts. :)

Thank you so much for being such amazing friends!


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