Friday, March 9, 2012

LIUNA Endorses President Obama for Second Term as President


WASHINGTON, March 8, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The General Executive Board of LIUNA - the Laborers International Union of North America - has endorsed Barack Obama for a second term as President. The endorsement comes after a unanimous vote of the union's board on Wednesday.


"President Obama has earned a second term as President," said Terry O'Sullivan, LIUNA General President. "Despite unprecedented and unrelenting hostility from extremist Republicans determined to see him fail, President Obama has achieved many laudable goals. We think America needs a leader who will fight to create jobs and build a bigger middle class. It's a no- brainer - Barack Obama is the only choice to lead this country for four more years."

O'Sullivan noted that President Obama has successfully fought for health care reform, jobs-creating investment in transportation infrastructure, financial industry reform to protect working people and an end to the Iraq War.

"He has blocked attacks on tax relief for the working middle-class, has named admirable nominees to offices that affect working people, including the National Labor Relations Board, and has fought to rebuild an economy that was severely damaged by the Bush Administration and the greed of Wall Street and corporations," O'Sullivan. "We will work to ensure that President Obama has four more years to advance his working families agenda."

Obama for President Campaign Manager Jim Messina welcomed LIUNA's endorsement.

"It's an honor to receive the endorsement of the Laborers' International Union of North America," he said. "LIUNA and its workers help build America every day, and President Obama has always had their backs. We're excited to continue working with them as we fight together for an economy where their hard work and responsibility will always be rewarded."

O'Sullivan said the union will be on the frontlines of this fall's elections.

"We will work tirelessly and relentlessly to see that the President wins a second term," O'Sullivan said. "We are eager to work with President Obama to enact legislation that provides long-term investment for our nation's transportation systems, frees development of new jobs-creating investment in natural gas, oil and other energy resources and turns back attacks on working people and their freedom to join together for better lives."

The half-million members of LIUNA - the Laborers' International Union of North America - are on the forefront of the construction industry, a powerhouse of workers who are proud to build America.

SOURCE Laborers' International Union of North America



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