Friday, November 16, 2012

Best Western's Travel Blog - You Must Be Trippin' - Business ...

November 14 2012 by Claudia Kunkel

business seminar.jpgMany of us in the so-called 'business world' have had the opportunity to attend a tradeshow or convention. Does it get much better than seeing another part of the country or world as part of your business travel? At the same time, you have the opportunity to expand your knowledge through seminars and break-out sessions. In my many years of experience, I've learned a few things about traveling for conventions.

Here are some Do's and Don'ts:


Prepare - Learn about the convention prior to your trip. Know the name of the convention; where it is being held (hotel? Convention center?); what are the main topics being presented; who are the main sponsors? This is all information you'll need - whether for a taxi driver or if your boss asks.

Stay close to the convention - Whether you make your own travel arrangements or somebody books them for you, make sure you don't have to travel half-an hour each way just to get there. It increases your travel expenses and limits your ability to network with other attendees. (In fact, Best Western has many convenient locations in most metropolitan areas to keep you close to most conventions!)

Take advantage everything offered - Attend the breakout sessions; go to the 'networking mixers'; take notes; pass out your business cards; meet people. These are usually great opportunities to meet colleagues in the industry as well as potential clients.

Maintain Professionalism - While it is a more relaxed environment, don't forget to keep yourself looking professional. You probably won't be required to wear your standard business attire, but make sure you don't look disheveled. Get enough sleep and iron your clothes if you have to. Remember that you will likely be making first impressions to people that matter and you don't want to waste that opportunity by wearing flip-flops.


Go Crazy with a Company Credit Card - Most people will either have a company credit card or will get a 'per-diem' to pay for meals and other expenses. But don't expect that your company will pay for your lobster and $500.00 bottle of wine. Stay within the budget or you may have to pay for your expenses yourself.

Be 'That Guy/Girl' - You're out of town and having fun. Which is great! But don't be the one that everybody else at the convention talks about...or worse, that your co-workers or clients will tell stories about when you get back to the office. Don't party all night and show up for the next day's seminars wearing yesterday's clothes. Networking with others is highly encouraged - swinging from the hotel chandeliers is not.

Forget That You're Still 'On-the-Clock' - Remember that, as long as the company is paying for it, you're still working for them and still representing them. Whatever you do, or don't do, can come back to haunt you. Your company's rules are still in effect even though you may be 1,000 miles away. You don't want get called for disciplinary action just because you forgot who signed your paychecks.

Traveling for the company and attending conventions can be great. You can learn new things, meet new people, and have lots of fun. Just remember what you're there for and stay away from the chandeliers.

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