Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Health warning to women over their growing ... - Health and Fitness

The findings raise nationwide health concerns as the average waist size of
women from every region of England and Scotland was in the danger zone.

Women?s waistlines were largest in the North and the Midlands, with an average
of 87cm (34in), and the smallest were in London where women had an average
measurement of almost 82cm (32in).

Dr Davina Deniszczyc, professional head of physicians and diagnostics at
Nuffield Health, said: ?Whilst waist size may seem like a cosmetic issue,
this is not about women fitting into their skinny jeans, rather it is an
important indicator of overall health and wellbeing, particularly when taken
into account with other health measurements.

?Experts are increasingly finding central (or abdominal) obesity, measured
through waist size, to be a better indicator of obesity than BMI.

?The results for women highlight a worrying problem as fat being stored around
the waist can contribute to significant health issues, such as breast cancer
and infertility.?

Of the women who were measured in the study, half were aged between 26 and 46.

The research, carried out through the charity?s Health MOT programme, also
showed that many Britons suffer from a lack of sleep, with people getting an
average of seven hours a night.

Studies have recommended that adults should have seven to nine hours sleep per

Fourteen per cent of the study participants said they smoked.

The Health MOT measures BMI, resting heart rate, cholesterol, aerobic fitness,
blood pressure and sugar levels.

Dr Deniszczyc said: ?Our Health MOT results provide a fascinating snapshot of
some of the health issues facing us as a nation.?

Chris Jones, head of physiology at Nuffield Health, said women concerned about
their waistline should check their waist size every few weeks to ensure it
is getting smaller.

He added: ?Some foods and drinks cause blood sugar levels to change too often
and can increase our fat store around the stomach, so try to avoid these.

?Make sure you exercise for at least two and a half hours per week and try to
walk as much as possible.

?If you are concerned about your waist size, visit your GP.?

Article source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/women_shealth/9350116/Health-warning-to-women-over-their-growing-waistlines.html

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