Friday, August 24, 2012

Psychics! The Newest Trend in Art - Carry On | Travel + Leisure


The Tate Modern's Undercurrent

No, this isn?t part of a gypsy-laden renaissance fair. London?s The Tate Modern recently opened its doors to six psychics for the opening weekend of Undercurrent, a festival at the new The Tanks gallery running through August 27th. Images of crystal balls and large warts may fill your head, but according The Guardian, the trained fortunetellers' accessories and setting are much less theatrical; they sat in plain wooden booths inviting museum-goers to interact.?

The art exhibit was part of Jon Fawcett?s EIR installation piece, which opened the 11-day-long show. Undercurrent?s remaining exhibits include Touch and Vision, which blasts museum-goers with music and records the effects, and Tweet Me Up!, a spontaneous photography collaboration via proverbial social media outlets. The combination of off-the-wall acts is something no one could foretell. Well, no one but the psychics that is.

Kelsi Maree Borland is an editorial intern at Travel + Leisure.

Photo by iStockphoto


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