Wednesday, November 14, 2012

No Hat, No Play Rule Could Be Feeding Child Obesity Your Health ...

From The Australian?..

Queensland?s Chief Health Officer Jeannette Young is concerned some children are using the ?No Hat, No Play? rule in schools to avoid exercise.

Dr Young released her latest snapshot of Queenslanders? health in Brisbane?s City Botanic Gardens yesterday, identifying obesity as the biggest public health challenge of this century.

While she said it was important for schools to have sun safe policies because of Queensland?s status as the melanoma capital of the world, making sure students exercised was also vital, with 26.6 per cent of children classed as overweight or obese.

?I?m a bit worried that there are some kids who deliberately don?t have hats so they don?t have to go and play,? Dr Young said. ?It?s like the kids who always forget their swimming costume because they don?t want to go swimming.?

Dr Young said she was concerned that strict ?no hat, no play? policies in schools could have unintended consequences, allowing a small number of sedentary children to get out of having to exercise.

?Some schools have rigid: ?You?ve got to stay in the classroom rules, if you don?t have a hat?,? she said.

?I think we?ve got to be careful with that, whether schools make sure they have spare hats if kids don?t have them, or maybe if there?s a covered area, the kids who forget their hats should have to go and play there, in the shade. Kids need to be active.?

To read the full story?..Click here


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