Writing Short Stories or Articles with a Fantastical Twist
2513 readersFantasy and speculative fiction generally is traditionally associated with lots of characters, detailed settings, rich texture, complex ideas developed slowly over great long novels. But there are forms other than the novel suitable to this most magically expansive of genres, and I?ve had a lot of fun over the years going on potted excursions, as
AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Sarah Pekkanen, pt 2
8888 readersFormer Washington DC journalist Sarah Pekkanen left the ratrace of covering the political beat and turned her skills to writing women?s fiction novels. Her debut book,?THE OPPOSITE OF ME,?garnered rave reviews and hit the bestseller lists.? Her followup novel, SKIPPING A BEAT, also recieved advanced praise and earned a coveted spot on Oprah?s?O Magazine ?Pick

Max Barry Asks Reddit To Vote On His Book Cover
2257 readersAuthor and Reddit user Max Barry convinced his publisher to let the Reddit community help pick the cover for his book, Machine Man. As of this writing, cover design #5 lead with nearly 80 votes. Check it out: ?Here are some images. I would deepl...
33 Writing Terms You Should Know
4470 readersAs with all activities, writing fiction involves getting to grips with professional jargon. Here are some of the more common terms you may come across as you learn your craft and market your writing.Like this article? Then you'll love our book: 100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid. It lists 100 common spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage

Interview with Jessica Chambers: ?I write solely to entertain?
4013 readers We have a wonderful interview today with Jessica Chambers. She is the author of the women?s fiction novel, Dark is the Sky. Enjoy the interview and please check her book out! Jessica Chambers has been inventing stories even before she was old enough to hold a pen. She has a passion for writing contemporary novels packed

Get Your Buzz On
2210 readersMany writers have a hard time figuring out what?s different about their work and then expressing this in words. Yet being different is vital in today?s fiction writing world. Buzzuka is?a fun, free way to develop and refine your buzz. I enjoyed working my way through the process. Here?s what I came up with: What

e-Book Cover Design Awards, September 2011 Part 3
4847 readers This is the third of five posts of e-book covers submitted for the September e-Book Cover Design Awards. Here are the other posts in the series: e-Book Cover Design Awards, September 2011 Part 1 Fiction: e-Book Cover Design Awards, September 2011 Part 2 Fiction Fiction e-Book Cover Design Awards, September 2011 Part 4 Nonfiction e-Book Cover Design Awards, September 2011

Why Literary Agents Like Amazon Publishing
8018 readersBloomberg Businessweek unveiled a cover story about Larry Kirshbaum today, studying the former literary agent and publisher at Amazon Publishing. The front cover will feature flaming imagery and the headline: ?Amazon Wants to Burn the Book Business.? The article called Kirshbaum ?Amazon?s hit man,? running anonymous quotes from spooked traditional publishing executives. These provocative elements aside,

New Agent Alert: Jason Pinter of Waxman Literary Agency
20772 readersReminder: Newer agents are golden opportunities for new writers because they're likely building their client list; however, always make sure your work is as perfect as it can be before submitting, and only query agencies that are a great fit for your work. Otherwise, you're just wasting time and postage. About Jason: Prior to starting at the Waxman Literary Agency

Reading and Watching
1758 readersI'm currently reading Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist and am really enjoying it. I loved the movie version, and didn't even realise it was a book until a few months ago. It's great when you get on a winning streak with novels, the last few I read I really liked! ?Teenage fiction rarely disappoints me,
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