Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Catholic Rebuttal to ? Nancy G. Brinker, Founder and CEO of ...

It is a no brainer ? Contraceptives Industries and Abortion Industries are Big Businesses!

And, folks in the Warm Fuzzy Caring for Women Organizations and Foundations always seem, to me, to be like Lawyers????..Ambulance Chasers!

Yet, they seem to leave out the most important information, that women need to know and ? that is that ? The Pill causes Breast Cancer, because it is a known carcinogen.

Her caring tone is too creepy, for me to watch, without shuttering, at the thought of how many people give this woman their extra money, in the hopes of a cure, she hasn?t come up with in 30 Years.

She only has to tell the TRUTH ? that is that Contraceptives causing Breast Cancer.

~~~There is Big Money ~~~to be Had ~and~ Big Wallets to be Mined ~in the ~~~Sympathy Business!~~~

Yet, there are not a lot of scientific information, except by Catholics that chemicals women take to avoid Conception has increased Breast, Uterine, Cervical and Ovarian Cancers. She sort of skips over Pertinent Information, that would get you, to stop using a Drug or series of drugs prescribed, by your doctor, that is at variance with your Catholic Faith, and at variance with the Health of Your Breasts, Uterus, Ovaries, Cervix, Uterine Wall, Fallopian Tubes. I think that reactionary kind of foundation benefits her, but not the memory of her sister, Susan G. Komen.

My mom took HRT Drugs during menopause, and she died of cancer of the breast and colon. Artificial Hormones are known carcinogens. If you are a man, you sort of want to be able to caress your wife?s breasts?.so, if you care about your wife, both of you will embrace NFP Natural Family Planning, and encourage your wife to use her breasts to feed your babies, and make your spouse happy, too.

It?s not expensive, and it will put these phony money-making foundations, out of business. Yes, research, research, research.

HOWEVER: If Research is Politically-Correct, it is not research with the TRUTH about what Carcinogenic Drugs are doing to women, who are trying to avoid conception and a few hot flashes, during menopause. That is a biggie, in my book.

Scurrilous? Well, yeah, the TRUTH sometimes, is scurrilous. Save your money and invest in books or videos about Natural Family Planning, and Breastfeeding as a Natural Child Spacer. You?ll thank me someday, when you get to heaven.

If you want breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, colon cancer, etc, then continue to take your Contraceptives, or HRT?s Hormone Replacement Therapy drugs given to you at Menopause. Some Contraceptive Pills or Shots can cause Birth Defects in Your Baby, (Local Pharmacist told me this) and some Contraceptive Pills are really called abortifacients, because they cause an early abortion. They stop implantation of a baby on the Uterine Wall, not Ovulation).

If you are Catholic, I?d trust the Catholic Church?s Perennial Wisdom, over the Money Making Organizations out there, making a bunch of money off, your stupidity.

PERSONALLY: I wouldn?t trust any woman, who calls herself, my Ambassador. Since she isn?t walking on water, I am not going to listen to her baloney. Her foundation is for her, and she is using her sister?s story of breast cancer to hook you women in, because she knows women are into ?tear jerker? kind of stories. Not me. I know, when someone?s try to play me for a fool. Been there too many times, too. And, I hate being snookered, by anyone.


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