Thursday, February 9, 2012

(Draft) Look At Me ? Cerridwen's Cauldron

All I can say is, ?must?ve been a full moon last night? ? a warm Cauldron welcome to not one, not two, but THREE new followers: Clownponders, Daniel Postlethwaite, and wordsbecomelegacies! Clownponders is a Welsh poet I might one day have to con into speaking into a microphone so I can borrow his accent for a character, since it?s not likely I?ll run into him at Bistro during an after party any time in the near future. Daniel is an English aspiring screenwriter and current poet/short story writer who doesn?t have to worry about my trying to rip off his accent, since I have England fairly covered at this point thanks to this genius (warning: be prepared to laugh your tail off).* Wordsbecomelegacies is ? you guessed it ? another aspiring writer. All three have WordPress blogs ? check them out.

(No, none of them paid me for that little free PSA. I?m just nice that way.)

Dear You Three: Let?s get the important stuff out of the way: I don?t know why you subscribed to my blog, but I need to make sure you didn?t come into the Cauldron with unrealistic expectations, SO ? up front ? I don?t know Neil Gaiman. Or Stephen King. America is a REALLY BIG place. I?m a REALLY SMALL writer. But as long as you weren?t hoping for an introduction, welcome! Hope you find plenty here to amuse you, interest you, make you think, and maybe even piss you off once in a while. :o )

In My Head Who are all of these people and what do they want from me?

In The Cup Maxwell House with a splash of almond milk

Daily Run 2.25 miles

On The Desk Mighty Knights. Outline for The Power and the Glory. Lyrics for a song I?m wrestling with right now

On The Nightstand The same books ? no time to read last night

Papers Graded I?m trying not to think about those right now.

You know when you go to the beach, and you?ve dug a hole, and then the water comes and a wave smooths the sand and the hole is filled again as though it were never there in the first place?

That?s my schedule right now. There is no free time. There is only replacing scheduled activities with the other activities I couldn?t schedule because I already had something scheduled. For example ? I had two meetings tonight. They?ve both been postponed to next week. This does NOT mean I get the evening off ? it means I grade the papers that were not going to get graded until Friday during the day. Then THAT means I grade the papers that were not going to get graded until this weekend, on Friday during the day. Then THAT means that Friday night instead of grading papers I will be prepping Anna?s Girl Scouts troop presentation(they?re doing a countries of the world badge and I?m giving them France on Saturday). That frees Saturday morning up for writing and doing laundry. Scary, no? Time ? so protean, yet so rigidly unavailable in its free form. GAH.

OK, so, Poetry Picnic/ Gooseberry Garden?.I?m cheating. I don?t have an effing poem. There?s not a poem in my body right now. All my creative juices are being sapped by the voices in my head. Do you realize I?ve been listening to fifteen teenagers bickering, fighting, yelling, screaming, and so forth since November ? and I?m the only one who can hear it all?! I mean, HEllo, schizophrenia! So, I have these song lyrics. They?re a mess, but they?re as close to a poem as you are getting right now. So I?m going to post them for the Poetry Picnic, and you just pretend they?re a poem, ?K?

This song is actually being written for a voice I know. She doesn?t know I?m making a song on her, but there it is. The neat thing about it is, I am getting a friend of hers to score it for her. Then one day I?ll present her with this (when it makes sense and is complete and scored) and she?ll have her very own, original song made on her voice specifically suited to her style. I?m actually excited about that.

But for now ? rest assured, this is SO in draft. Feel free to mock it, critique it, make suggestions, & etc. When it comes out on ITunes it will be So Much Better. Swear.

Look at me

And tell me what you see

All I know is ? whatever that is ?

It isn?t really me

That would be too easy

And it?s not, at all ?

But, start with what you see

When you look at me


And next, I?ll ask of you

To look beyond my face

And beg of you

To listen to

The timber of my voice

When I say ?I love you? ?

?Cause I think you?ll find

that when you look at me

Love for you is what you?ll see


Then, when you?ve heard me speak

I?ll ask you to stand still

And step in to you, and run my hands

Across your beating heart

And feel for your reply

And I hope I?ll find there

That you share this love

And when you look at me

Oh, when it?s you and me

And when you look at me

It?s ?we? that you see in me

Remember, people, it?s a mess. I already told you that. DRAFT, means draft! But the idea is there. And, so are those voices ? which means I?m off to work on Mighty Knights. There?s about to be another tragedy. I think I might be procrastinating, actually, because I REALLY don?t want to do this to me favorite character. REALLY don?t. Oh, but I?ve got to.

Stupid plot?.

*That was facetious. In case you didn?t already realize it. I?ve been speaking with a fake British accent for years thanks to all that Charles Dickens, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, A.S. Byatt, BBC and Monty Python I grew up on. I didn?t need the fellow on Youtube to be able to do that. But he was doggoned funny, no? ;op


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